COVID-19 Announcment!

Based on the current COVID-19 situation, the Executive Committee of the Hudson Hall Wheaton Chapter of the American Inns of Court has determined that it is in the best interests of all that we suspend the remainder of the Inn year.  

Please keep an eye out for future notices, we may try to organize some Zoom conference style meeting for members related to specific issues effecting the legal community if we can.

We will be back in touch with everyone over the summer when we have more information about how the pandemic response will effect activities in the Fall of 2020.

We hope you are all safe, healthy, and taking all the necessary precautions to safely do any work you must necessarily do, and we look forward to seeing you as soon as safely possible.

-Bryan Harrington

Inn Administrator

Indefinite postponement of March 24 Inns of Court Meeting

Inn members:

All, due to the continuing concerns with the spread of COVID-19, we will be indefinitely postponing the March 24th Inns of Court meeting.  We will be back with you to let you know the status of the April 14 meeting

Be safe and take care, we will be back in touch when we have more information.

Bryan Harrington

Administrator, Hudson Hall Wheaton Chapter of American Inns of Court.

February Meeting - Thursday February 27th

Date:          TUESDAY, 27 February 2020           

Time:          NO ADMITTANCE AFTER 5:45 P.M.        

5:15 p.m.:      Sign in

5:45 p.m.:      Introduction and Presentation

6:30 p.m.:      Pupilage Group and Audience questions

6:55 p.m:       Announcement and meeting adjourned   


We will have several 10th Circuit Court judges on the panel, please try to make it.  

Location:      Page Belcher Federal Building, Fourth Floor, 333 West Fourth Street

R.S.V.P.:    Please r.s.v.p. by replying to this e-mail, or calling Bryan at 918-669-7545 or 918-695-7611­ by 4:30 p.m. on Monday, 24 February 2020.  

 3/12/20 (Thurs) Group 6 - Effective Time and Case Management for Lawyers     

Programming Note - Groups 7 and 8 may switch positions on the calendar for scheduling necessity.

4/14/20 (Tues) Group 7 - How Far is Too Far in Depositions (and what to do about it)

5/14/20 (Thurs) Group 8 - What is Proper (and effective) Voir Dire?   


1.  DUES ARE PAST DUE.  You should have received a dues statement on or about 24 September, If you didn't please let me know.  If you haven't already paid them, you are officially late after this meeting.  You can bring those checks with you next week and get that off your to-do list. Unpaid dues will result in CLE not being reported to the OK Bar for the 2020 Spring meetings. 

2. HHW’s Guest Policy: Any member may bring a guest to a monthly meeting by timely providing their name via rsvp and paying a $15 guest charge.  Guests who are attorneys may obtain CLEe by providing his/her bar number at sign in.  No guest may attend more than one meeting without advance approval.  There is no charge for guests who are participating.

3. PARKING NOTICE:  The parking area across from the courthouse under the deck is now pay parking 24/7/365 so if you park there you need to pay, or be prepared for a $25 parking ticket.  The library parking garage also across the street will provide up to 2 hours of free parking and begins charging after that.

If you have any questions, please contact me at this e-mail, at my work e-mail or call at 918-669-7545

January Meeting

Date:          TUESDAY, 21 October 2020           

Time:          NO ADMITTANCE AFTER 5:45 P.M.        

5:15 p.m.:      Sign in

5:45 p.m.:      Introduction and Presentation

6:30 p.m.:      Pupilage Group and Audience questions

6:55 p.m:       Announcement and meeting adjourned   


Location:      Page Belcher Federal Building, Fourth Floor, 333 West Fourth Street

R.S.V.P.:    Please r.s.v.p. by replying to this e-mail, or calling Bryan at 918-669-7545 or 918-695-7611­ by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, 17 January 2020.  



3/12/20 (Thurs) Group 6 - Effective Time and Case Management for Lawyers     

4/14/20 (Tues) Group 7 - How Far is Too Far in Depositions (and what to do about it)

5/14/20 (Thurs) Group 8 - What is Proper (and effective) Voir Dire?   



1.  DUES ARE PAST DUE.  You should have received a dues statement on or about 24 September, If you didn't please let me know.  If you haven't already paid them, you are officially late after this meeting.  You can bring those checks with you next week and get that off your to-do list.

2.  CALL FOR NAME BADGES.   If you have your name badge at home, or it has been missing, please let me know, we will be making our final order for badges next week.

3. VERIFY YOUR MEMBERSHIP INFO AT MEETING THIS WEEK.  We will be circulating a sheet for you to check that we have all of your correct contact information at the meeting this week, please check that all your information is up to date.  We will be going to a new online access database for all the Inn information, but we need to make sure what we put in initially is correct.  More to come on how to access the online system which will have roster, pupilage group, and calendar information for the Inn.

4. HHW’s Guest Policy: Any member may bring a guest to a monthly meeting by timely providing their name via rsvp and paying a $15 guest charge.  Guests who are attorneys may obtain CLEe by providing his/her bar number at sign in.  No guest may attend more than one meeting without advance approval.  There is no charge for guests who are participating.

4. PARKING NOTICE:  The parking area across from the courthouse under the deck is now pay parking 24/7/365 so if you park there you need to pay, or be prepared for a $25 parking ticket.  The library parking garage also across the street will provide up to 2 hours of free parking and begins charging after that.

If you have any questions, please contact me at this e-mail, at my work e-mail or call at 918-669-7545.

Inns of Court Joint Banquet - Tuesday, May 21, 2019

The speaker will be Robert D. Nelon, Shareholder at Hall Estill in OKC.  

He will be speaking on "The Battle for Free Speech on College Campuses" 

The banquet will be held from 6:00 to 8:30 PM on Tuesday, May 21, 2019, at the 

Stokely Event Center
10111 E 45th Place

Tulsa, OK 74146

The Stokely Event Center is an informal venue so we are suggesting business casual for the banquet rather than the more formal business/cocktail wear of our banquets.

The dinner will be served buffet style and will be:

Mixed Green Salad w/ Ranch & Balsamic Dressing


Mini Cabbage Rolls

Grilled Chicken & Steak Shish Kabobs W/ Veggies on a Bed of Rice Pilaf 

Scalloped Potatoes 

Honey Glazed Carrots 

Rolls/ Butter

with Heavenly Chocolate Cake for dessert.

Water and iced tea as the table drink options with a beer and wine bar available.

The cost for guests will be $75 which you may bring with you, but I need your RSVP and guest names by 4:30 PM on Friday, May 17, 2019.

Hope to see you there for the final event of the 2018-2019 Inns of Court year.

Election of State Court Judges

The Law and Ethics of the Election of State Court Judges  

Location:             Page Belcher Federal Building, Fourth Floor, 333 West Fourth Street

Please try to make it to this meeting, we will have an excellent panel to discuss this important topic, the panelists are:

1.      Judge Linda Morrissey

2.      Denver Nicks – speaking about the civil rights case which brought about the creation of geographical districts in Tulsa and Oklahoma counties which he filed.  This includes outdated Supreme Court Judicial Districts that likely have a racially  disparate impact as they significantly under-represent Tulsa and Oklahoma counties.

3.      Adam Doverspike – Oklahoma Supreme Court Judicial Districts and the legislature’s effort to update those from the 1960 lines to present population distribution.

4.      Bill Grimm – the Supreme Court scandal  of the 1960s and how this resulted in the JNC and referencing Bob Burke’s book “How Bad it Was – How Good it is"

Materials may be found by clinking this link —> MATERIALS

Group 7

January 16, 2019


1.  Masters Moment- 5 minutes

2.  Federalist Papers- 10 minutes (Michael Carr)

3.  International justice comparisons and fun facts- 10 minutes

 (Michael Nesser and Jessica Battson)

4.  Justice for  Sale- 10 minutes (Tony Haynie) Click Here For Materials

5.  Administrative Law Judges (ALJ)- 5 minutes (Don Baker) Click Here For Materials

6.  How are judges selected and legislation- 10 minutes (Doug Golden) Click Here For Materials

7.  Judicial campaigns and ethics- 10 minutes (Tom Sawyer)

January Meeting

Date:  WEDNESDAY, 16 January 2019           

Time:          NO ADMITTANCE AFTER 5:45 P.M.        

5:15 p.m.:      Sign in

5:45 p.m.:      Introduction and Presentation

6:30 p.m.:      Pupilage Group and Audience questions

6:55 p.m:       Announcement and meeting adjourned   

The Significance and Meaning of Judicial Independence  

Location:             Page Belcher Federal Building, Fourth Floor, 333 West Fourth Street

R.S.V.P.:    Please r.s.v.p. by replying to this e-mail, or calling Bryan at 918-669-7545 or 918-695-7611­ by 2:00 PM on Monday,  13 January 2019.

The following are the dates and topics currently scheduled for the remainder of the year.

2/21/19 (Thurs) Group 6 - The Law and Ethics of the Selection of State Court Judges             

3/19/19 (Tues) Group 4 - Basics of Criminal Trial Practice      

4/17/19 (Weds) Group 5 - How To Read An Insurance Policy   


1.  HHW’s Guest Policy: Any member may bring a guest to a monthly meeting by timely providing their name via rsvp and paying a $15 guest charge.  Guests who are attorneys may obtain CLE by providing his/her bar number at sign in.  No guest may attend more than one meeting without advance approval.  There is no charge for guests who are participating.

2.   PARKING NOTICE:  The parking area across from the courthouse under the deck is now pay parking 24/7/365 so if you park there you need to pay, or be prepared for a $25 parking ticket.  The library parking garage also across the street will provide up to 3 hours of free parking but you must get your ticket validated in the library or at the library Starbucks to get the free parking.

If you have any questions, please contact me at this e-mail, at my work e-mail or call at 918-669-7545.

Christmas Party

Date:               MONDAY, December 10, 2018       


Location:        Freddie's Bar-B-Que and Steak House 

                        1424 New Sapulpa Road, Sapulpa, OK  74066

Time:              Let's say 6 ish P.M.        

                5:30 p.m.:      Sign in/cash bar


6:15 p.m.:      Dinner is served

6:45 p.m.:      Christmas Program by

                        Phil Richards

7:30ish p.m:    Meeting adjourned    



R.S.V.P.:    This week will be a little different,  I need not only whether you will be attending, but which of three menu options you want for your meal.  The three menu options are:


(1) 8 oz Smoked Filet with Smoke sauce and Baked Potato

(2) Seared Chicken Breast with Rice

(3) Seared salmon w/ garlic-lime butter

All come with:

Tossed Green Salad with Ranch Dressing

Freddie’s Famous Tabouli

Cabbage Roll


Rolls with Butter

Ice Tea/Water/Coffee

We strongly encourage you to bring a guest and/or spouse to this meeting! Just let me know their name at the time you RSVP.  For this party, the guest charge will be $45.  If bringing a guest, please mail me a check for the guest charge to my address below.  As usual, guests who are attorneys may obtain CLE by providing their bar number at sign in.  


Please r.s.v.p. by replying to this e-mail, or calling Bryan at 918-669-7545 or 918-695-7611­ by 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 5, 2018.  

Guest fees may be mailed to:

Bryan Harrington

Office of Counsel

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

2488 E 81st Street

Tulsa, OK 74137-4290



1.   The next meeting is Wednesday, January 16, 2019.  The topic will be "The Significance and Meaning of Judicial Independence" presented by group 7.

2. If you have not already done so, please forward your membership dues with accompanying form to Schaad Titus. 

TUESDAY, 17 April 2018

Date:          TUESDAY, 17 April 2018            

Time:          THERE WILL BE NO ADMITTANCE AFTER 5:30 P.M.        

5:00 p.m.:      Sign in/cash bar

5:30 p.m.:      Cinner is served

5:45 p.m.:      Introduction and Presentation

6:30 p.m.:      Pupilage Group and Audience questions 

6:55 p.m:       Announcement and meeting adjourned    

Collection Basics - The delicate art of collecting from a client.

Location:             Page Belcher Federal Building, Fourth Floor, 333 West Fourth Street

R.S.V.P.:    Please r.s.v.p. by replying to this e-mail, or calling Bryan at 918-669-7545 or 918-695-7611­ by 1:00 p.m. on Friday,  13 April  2018.  As a practical matter, that means I will be checking my e-mail and sending the caterer a count right after lunch, so if you want to eat, let me know by then.  A “yes” or “no" with the reason if you are missing is required to insure continued membership.


SPRING BANQUET:  We have received the date and location of the joint banquet.  It is scheduled for Tuesday 8 May 2018 at the Tulsa Country Club.  More information to follow, but this should be enough to save the date. 

1.  Due to the cancellation of the March meeting, we will need to have a scheduled May meeting to ensure 12 hours of CLE credit for the full Inn year.  That meeting is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday 17 May 2018.  Group 6 will be presenting and the topic is How to Prosecute an Attorney Fee Hearing.  

2.  HHW’s Guest Policy: Any member may bring a guest to a monthly meeting by timely providing their name via rsvp and paying a $15 guest charge.  Guests who are attorneys may obtain CLEe by providing his/her bar number at sign in.  No guest may attend more than one meeting without advance approval.  There is no charge for guests who are participating.

3.   PARKING NOTICE:  The parking area across from the courthouse under the deck is now pay parking 24/7/365 so if you park there you need to pay, or be prepared for a $25 parking ticket.  The library parking garage also across the street will provide up to 3 hours of free parking but you must get your ticket validated in the library or at the library Starbucks to get the free parking.

4.   I am going to need some help doing some administrative tasks for the Inn next year, I'm reaching out now to ask for volunteers.  If you have any questions, please contact me, or if you are the blindingly trusting type, just drop me a line and volunteer. 

If you have any questions, please contact me at this e-mail, at my work e-mail or call at 918-669-7545.

Change of December Date - 12/5

We will be meeting at the Boulder Federal Courthouse on

December 5, 2017.

The meeting will be a come-and-go reception from 4:30 to 6:30 in honor of the 100 year anniversary of the courthouse, followed by an award presentation to HHW from our regional American Inns of Court representative to celebrate the inn achieving platinum status this last year.

New Member Orientation

An orientation will be held for all new members at 5:30 P.M on September 20, 2017 at James E. McNellie’s Public House, 1st & Elgin, Tulsa, OK.

Inns of Court 2016-17 Program Schedule


9/20/16           Group 1           How Good Lawyers Get In Trouble (Speaker Gina Hendryx)

                        Judge Golden

10/18/16         Group 2           Effective Depositions

                        Judge Wall

11/15/16         Group 3           Effective Motion Briefing and Argument

                        Judge Glassco

12/13/16         Holiday Party            Speaker to be determined by Judge Wall

1/17/17           Group 4           Voir Dire for State and Federal Court

                        Judge Drummond

2/21/17           Group 5           Opening Statements and Closing Arguments

                        Judge Frizzell

3/21/17           Group 6           Direct Examination and Cross-Examination

                        Judge Thygesen

4/18/17           Group 7           Expert Witnesses on Direct and Cross

                        Judge Ludi Leitch

5/16/17           Joint Inns of Court Meeting - Hudson Hall Wheaton Chapter and Council Oak/Johnson-Sontag Chapter (Approximate date of Banquet)

Programs should include discussion of both civil and criminal trial practice, in state and federal court. 

Each group is responsible to hold two meetings, during which the group should:

-Identify one or more speakers to present a discussion on their topic totaling approximately 30 minutes and someone to recruit the speaker(s)

-Assign someone to research and introduce the speaker(s)

-Prepare questions for the speaker to last approximately 20 minutes of program time

-Prepare a paper or research materials of at least ten pages on the topic

Speakers or groups can use brief illustrations of a particular practice or technique as part of their presentation, such as a short direct examination of an expert or voir dire of mock jurors.  In order to save preparation time and provide a more realistic presentation it is suggested that such not be scripted, but rather than a simple fact scenario taken from an actual life experience can be used (such as a car wreck or fall in which the witness was involved). 

Pupilage Group 5

Click on the "Materials" link below to access the material from the HHW meeting held on 2/21/17.


Next Meeting

Opening Statements and Closing Arguments

Location:             Page Belcher Federal Building, Fourth Floor, 333 West Fourth Street

 R.S.V.P.:    Please r.s.v.p. by replying to this e-mail, or calling Bryan at 918-669-75451 or 918-695-7611­ by 5:00 p.m. on Friday,  February 17, 2017.  A “yes” or “no- with reason” is required to insure continued membership.  Hope to see you Tuesday!

Date:          Tuesday, February 21, 2017            

Time:          THERE WILL BE NO ADMITTANCE AFTER 5:30 P.M.        

5:00 p.m.:      Sign in/cash bar

5:30 p.m.:      Dinner is served

5:45 p.m.:      Speaker introduction

5:50 p.m.:      Speaker Presentation

6:20 p.m.:      Pupilage Group questions for speaker

6:40 p.m:       Audience questions for speaker

6:55 p.m:       Announcement and meeting adjourned    


The scheduled date of our next meeting is Tuesday, March 21, 2017.  Group 6 will be presenting and the topic will be Direct and Cross-Examination of Fact Witnesses.  

  1. If you have not already paid your dues, please contact me to make arrangements, those who have not paid will not have their CLE credited from this point forward.  
  2. HHW’s Guest Policy: Any member may bring a guest to a monthly meeting by timely providing their name via rsvp and paying a $15 guest charge.  Guests who are attorneys may obtain CLEe by providing his/her bar number at sign in.  No guest may attend more than one meeting without advance approval.  There is no charge for guests who are participating.
  3. Members may park at no charge in the Riggs Abney parking lot at 6th and Frisco (south of Civic Center). Please print your meeting notice and place it in the front driver’s side window of your car. Or write “Hudson Hall Wheaton” on a piece of paper in the event you do not have your notice. This is particularly important when there is an event at the BOK.
  4. Our new website is, it is up and running, if you don't know your group or whether you are a Master, Barrister, or Associate, all that information is on there.  The information is password protected, but it is a super-complicated password "HHW" go have a look.  We will try to have the meeting materials up before the meeting, as well as the traditional paper copies on the tables.
  5. Hopefully the OBA has gotten all of the CLE software issues resolved, if you haven't registered with the new system and checked your credits, please do.  We have submitted the information, we have just been told that it is not being entered yet.
  6. My contact information has changed.  As of January 23, 2017, it is and my phone is 918-669-7545.  You can also still reach me through the Inn Administrator e-mail (the one you are receiving this announcement from).


If you have any questions, please contact me at this e-mail, at my work e-mail, or call at 918-669-7545.


The Spring Banquet

It will be at Southern Hills on the evening of Tuesday, May 9, 2017.  The keynote speaker will be Dean Lyn Entzeroth from the University of Tulsa College of Law.  More details to follow.